Absolutism in the Medical Fraternity

Absolutism in the Medical fraternity  


We Don't Know

Medicine Man Of the West or the Vaidya Of the east . A thing common among them is Absolutism. Their Ideas Come from the Burden of Knowing one carries on their head . Its Not to say anything demeaning . But Knowing Is Always Limited . Either from a book , either by cutting open cadavers, either by Something somebody else has said. Either by references and experiments. Its Always limited . Now after ages some doctors are discovering new Glandular organs [1] . This is to say how little we know about the Human Body . 

How much does it take to come to "We Don't Know" . Yes . We Don't Know. Lets take our All time favorite medicine Aspirin. Now after Ages of it being available like a chocolate that most physicians handout, we now have some studies to show its not recommended [2] . So that is to say again someone picked a few people and fed them the chocolates and found something else. These Challenging times has Brought Us All closer to the We Don't Know. 

Looking beyond the Symptoms 

Allopathy Mostly is Symptomatic Treatment . What Physicians Are really doing is looking at the External symptoms , processing that data from the Books they read or Similar cases they saw [ These days Its called Uptodate In the west ] , And coming up with Probable diagnosis and then Outlining Treatment Strategies. 

Here Comes Artificial Intelligence In medicine . What If a Robot and artificial Intelligence[ AI] could take over medicine in the next 25 years . Several Physicians are also helping make the AI technology in the west better . Since it can store All the data from all the books and Interpret it better and can outline the diagnostic and Treatment Options without the Human Glitch of having to remember All the stuff. We also Know about the robotic surgeries which could likely be conducted from a different place . 
So we would be Jobless. Yes We like to say ,we add the Human Touch! But Do We ?

The Solution would be if we could Look beyond the Symptoms .This has been explored In the East for centuries and various other systems have stemmed out from this understanding , including Ayurveda or Siddha. One essential thing in these sciences was the individual who dispensed these medications had ample understanding of the human system from within. This has been Lost Over the ages due to commercialization of medicine . Given the Health Expenditure of America [ 3.6 Trillion Dollors / year ] , which speaks for itself that Health is something that this country is struggling with . Now our age old fable , Of the Monkey and his Copying ! The world seems to have caught on copying the west .  And the west looks to the east for Answers . 

Health An inside Job !! And Do we really Want To know. 

Right now, when the world is facing a situation like this, medical professionals must be in the best state of mind and body. Chronic workplace stress causes burnout and reduces professional efficiency [4]. Our bodies function best when we are in a state of well-being . So before we treat others we must look at ourselves . For the truth is Nobody Really wants to die . Neither the Soldier on the field and neither the physicians , our nurses and the ward boys . No matter what one feeds himself in the mind  [ Morals and duties and national interest ] , even the ant will fight for its life when threatened. So a solution would be to explore our sciences which could Strengthen Us . For the only Way out is IN .  

This year the Noble prize in Physiology was awarded to people who helped reveal the mechanism with which cells in the body adapt to oxygen availability . Did we not know that this body needs oxygen and the plants need carbon monoxide . Are we not drinking carbonated Drinks due to social influences and expecting to be healthy . Do we really need some discovery in the west to teach us what we already know. 

The era of evidence based learning

Let us start with the Important stuff that the west is exploring . Yoga . Yes . An age old science of strengthening the system from within . It gives you the liberty to experiment and know . No books required . Yet we wait for somebody in the west to tell us what works !!!
These sciences have been manipulated and twisted around in such a way that they seem to be unrecognizable these days . They have been in rage in the west since there is scientific data now. 
From being able to cause 242 percent neuronal regeneration in 3 months , to producing endocannabinoids . [5,6,7]. Also increasing oxygen consumption by our cells. 

Moving forward we may encounter several Pandemics where our evidence based medicine may have no more evidence . In such situations the reliable parameters can only come from within. Only in exploring from the inside will we be able to tackle what is thrown at us. For before we touch other lives , its of utmost importance that we touch our own precious lives . And we firstly become an epitome of health and vitality. 


[1] Matthijs H. Valstar, Bernadette S. de Bakker, Roel J.H.M. Steenbakkers, Kees H. de Jong, Laura A. Smit, Thomas J.W. Klein Nulent, Robert J.J. van Es, Ingrid Hofland, Bart de Keizer, Bas Jasperse, Alfons J.M. Balm, Arjen van der Schaaf, Johannes A. Langendijk, Ludi E. Smeele, Wouter V. Vogel.The tubarial salivary glands: A potential new organ at risk for radiotherapy,Radiotherapy and Oncology,2020, ISSN 0167-8140,
[2]Guillaume Marquis-Gravel
Originally publishedhttps://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.040205Circulation. 2019;140:1115–1124
[3]Artificial intelligence in primary care August 1, 2018 Medical Economics JournalAugust 10, 2018 edition , Volume 95, Issue 15
[4] Kane PP. Stress causing psychosomatic illness among nurses. Indian J Occup Environ Med. 2009;13(1):28-32. doi:10.4103/0019-5278.50721
[5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3371565/  
Effect of Yoga on cardiac autonomic nervous system using short-term heart rate variability
[6] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2156587217730934
 a Multicomponent Breath-Based Yogic Practice (Pranayama), on Perceived Stress and General Well-Being
[ 7] Cahn BR, Goodman MS, Peterson CT, Maturi R, Mills PJ. Yoga, Meditation and Mind-Body Health: Increased BDNF, Cortisol Awakening Response, and Altered Inflammatory Marker Expression after a 3-Month Yoga and Meditation Retreat. Front Hum Neurosci. 2017 Jun 26;11:315. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00315. PMID: 28694775; PMCID: PMC5483482.
Yoga, Meditation and Mind-Body Health: Increased BDNF, Cortisol Awakening Response, and Altered Inflammatory Marker Expression after a 3-Month Yoga and Meditation Retreat
[7] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2156587213492770?icid=int.sj-full-text.similar-articles.1 Oxygen Consumption Changes With Yoga Practices: A Systematic Review https://youtu.be/SGCdpmWQLns


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